Sunday 3 April 2011


Have written nothing for a long long time. It seems a bit difficult to start writing again.... Today, I re-watched the “Awakenings”, a 1990's movie. So touching, so nice movie. There is a line: “People nowadays don't know how to appreciate simple things...”, so true. We always forget the most simple thing that we should apprepicate; the bright blue sky, the little flower on the road, the little kids who are rushing to the school, the coffee shop girl who is making coffee for you...etc, etc. So many things that can make us happy because we are still alive and can expeirence that living world. A patient said she knew that it was not 1926 but she need it to be since in the past year during her “sleeping” in the hospital, she experienced nothing. Life without experience is not life anymore, no matter whether it's bad or good. Once, Robert DiNero asked the doctors if he can get a “holiday” from the hospital. Doctors asked him what would he do when having this holiday. He replied: “Go out for a walk, relax, have fresh air, and talk to others.” Very clear and simple wishes. Do we talk to others when we have time? It seems that we don't; we seldom talk about our true feelings, seldom talk to those around us, our family; there is lack of communications between people. Living, communicating and to experience are essential in our life which make it fruitful. umm....I have to do them all again from today......

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