Beside the "re-make" of the necklace for my colleague, Joem. I made three more necklaces this month as presents to my friends. The one with golden brown ribbon was made for Shy and the jade one belonged to Peggy. The black shinning one will be the gift for SoSo.
Indeed, the golden brown and jade were made for Shy. I sent both of the necklaces to her and asked her to choose one of it as her belated birthday gift. As she loves ribbon very much, she chose the one with golden brown ribbon. When I shown Peggy the one that had not been choosen, she told me that she loved it and would like to have it. I was so happy that that heavy jade necklace found her owner.
I am sure that my handmade jewelry will become my first choice gift to my female friends; and definately it will be in different kinds of style and pattern!

Thank you for the pretty necklace ... you know me, I have a soft spot for ribbon :) You are so talented, making cakes, taking nice photos, making all these nice bracelets and necklaces and most of all, a great person to be called as friend!!!